It’s About Sharing Art

Snowball on hillsideThough I’ve made a few earlier blog entries, I consider those just learning how the WordPress works. I think I have the hang of it now, it isn’t rocket science after all (apologies to my neighbor across the street and my other neighbor two doors down, rocket scientists both!). So anyway, I’m considering this blog entry to be my true inaugural blog. So if you are reading this – welcome!

When I told a friend I was planning to start a blog, he asked a simple question: why? Good question, as it seems I don’t have enough time to do everything I want to do now, why add something else to the mix. The answer is that having a blog will (hopefully) allow me to focus my thoughts, as I’ve found writing often does. I also hope to give another outlet for people to see my photography. Another reason: I want to give out a few tips on making photography. I am often asked about how to take “good pictures.” I hope, by writing this blog, I will be able to do a bit of teaching about photography – both simple techniques and more advanced ones. Ideally, I’d also like to have a few more people learn about what I do, photography-wise, and maybe pick up a few more clients.

What it really comes down to is that photography is my art, and with this blog I hope to share more of it. I hope you will share with me. With luck, this blog will snowball into something big! Thanks for dropping by.





One response to “It’s About Sharing Art”

  1. […] beginning of my blog was pretty bleak. My first post with more than a single line of text is titled It’s About Sharing Art, posted on January 19, 2011. My stats indicate this post has been viewed only 9 times. By the end […]

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