Bert’s Last Adventure

Deception Pass EaglesToday my friend and fellow photographer, Bert Daniels, was laid to rest on a hilltop in Puyallup. I knew Bert from the Mountaineers where he was very involved in many of the group’s activities, including photography. He was a regular fixture at our monthly Mountaineer photography meetings. Besides being a photographer, he was also a fine engineer who formerly worked at JPL and Boeing.

Mostly, though, Bert was an outdoorsmen in the truest sense of the word. He loved the outdoors and embarked on many adventures with the Mountaineers. He had a story for every occasion, and listening to him over the years, I swear he must have climbed every peak in Washington State. He loved nature –  being in it, photographing it, and living it. He owned in a house in the woods, with a small duck pond in his front yard. He often told us how he took care of these ducks, and got to know the same breeding pair that returned each year.

I’ve chosen the accompanying photo to honor Bert. It’s from a photo trip we took together last spring to Fir Island and Deception Pass State Park. On that trip, as our group walked along the southern beach along Deception Pass, we noticed several eagles far overhead in a tree. Everyone took photos, of course. Later, at a Mountaineers’ meeting, we shared some of those photos. Bert’s image of these same eagles is better than mine is. He had the sense to move down the beach some, to get a better angle.

His passing was unexpected. Just two weeks ago, he attended one of our photo meetings, and we had both signed up to go on a photo tour of the LeMay car museum next Saturday. I understand he died of natural causes, working outside his house, in the nature he loved. I will miss him.






2 responses to “Bert’s Last Adventure”

  1. James Mears Avatar
    James Mears

    Joseph, Bert was our next-door-neighbor or rather back-door-neighbor. I knew him for many years. We worked together at Fairchild Semiconductor. I was shocked to hear of his death. Our daughter learned of it from our other neighbor, Judy Talek, and let me know. We were involved in a move to Texas during Dec. & Jan. and missed seeing Bert. He was usually out in his yard doing something. I usually noticed him when I was outside or in my shop. I had talked to him not a week before his death. Thanks for your comments about Bert and his photo. He was a really nice guy and good neighbor. We also knew his wife, Avis, of course, who died about a year ago.

  2. […] six posts.  None have been “liked” although the post on January 29, 2011, about the death of my friend Bert Daniels, did garner my first comment. In total, the blog received 71 views in the first month of its […]

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