When Traveling, Embrace High ISOs

Sainte ChapelleMy recent trip to Europe confirmed something I already knew, travel photographers need to embrace high ISOs. Sure I took my tripod along on the trip, and I used it frequently. But mostly when outside buildings. Most museums and other indoor attractions prohibit tripods, often monopods, and even selfie-sticks (not that I have one – I use my tripod or monopod instead). There are a few exceptions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York for one (see my previous blog about tripods in New York), but more and more it seems tripods are a no-no (and don’t even get me started on places that prohibit photography entirely, where people left and right are using their cell phones to take photos (often with flash), but if I get my DSLR out, I get a stern warning).

When planning a trip, I usually try to research whether tripods are allowed in various attractions I want to visit, but in this case, I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare and failed to do the research. Further, traveling with my mother-in-law, I didn’t figure I’d have a lot of photography time (and I was right). But even if you have time to do such research, it is often had to find rules related to tripods on the internet, and worse, sometimes the information is either wrong or incorrectly enforced at the attraction. For my recent trip, I just assumed tripods weren’t allowed in any indoor attraction I visited – an assumption that was usually confirmed by signs at the various attractions.

There is another consideration. I can’t even imagine trying to set up a tripod in Sainte Chapelle in Paris (which doesn’t allow tripods; the featured image above, by the way, is Sainte Chapelle taken at ISO 6400, f/5, 1/30 sec), there was barely room to stand. Even if tripods are allowed, due to the number of people visiting, it is often impractical to use them. For example, in Seattle, tripods are allowed at Pike Place Market and in the Seattle Aquarium, but due to crowds, can be hard to use.

Of course there is the final consideration about just carrying it around. There were places on my recent trip where I could have used a tripod, but didn’t have it with me because I didn’t want to lug it around with me. Sometimes it was because I was visiting another attraction in the same day that didn’t allow tripods; other times it was because I was too lazy (I know, my bad).

Yes, it is best to use low ISO with long exposures and a tripod to minimize digital noise, but often that is not an option. Luckily, the high ISO capabilities of today’s digital cameras are quite good, and getting better with each generation of camera. During my recent trip, I found myself shooting at ISO 3200 and 6400 quite often. I even got up to 25,600 several times; the digital noise was horrible, but it was that or not get the shot.  That’s what it came down to, getting a shot or not. You be the judge, was it worth using high ISO to get the shots accompanying this post?

Napolean's Tomb, Les Invalides, Paris, France; taken at ISO 6400, f/4, 1/20 sec (supporting camera on a railing)
Napoleon’s Tomb, Les Invalides, Paris, France; image shot at ISO 6400, f/4, 1/20 sec (camera supported on a railing)
Painting above Napolean's Tomb; ISO3200, f/5, 1/100 sec
Painting above Napoleon’s Tomb; shot at ISO 3200, f/5, 1/100 sec
Art installation in the Conciergerie; ISO 6400, f/5, 1/30 sec
Art installation in the Conciergerie, Paris, France; image shot at ISO 6400, f/5, 1/30 sec
Arches in the ceiling of the Conciergerie; ISO 6400, f/5, 1/40 sec
Arches in the ceiling of the Conciergerie; ISO 6400, f/5, 1/40 sec
Tomb of Saint Eulalia in the crypt of Barcelona Cathedral; ISO 3200, f/5, 1/50 sec
Tomb of Saint Eulalia in the crypt of Barcelona Cathedral; image shot at ISO 3200, f/5, 1/50 sec
TInell Hall (Saló del Tinell), Greater Royal Palace, Barcelona; ISO 12,800, f/5, 1/10 sec (camera supported by railing)
Tinell Hall (Saló del Tinell), Greater Royal Palace, Barcelona; shot at ISO 12,800, f/5, 1/10 sec (camera supported by railing)
Bones and skulls in the catacombs of Paris; ISO 12,800, f/4.5, 1/50 sec
Bones and skulls in the catacombs of Paris; shot at ISO 12,800, f/4.5, 1/50 sec
La Sagrada Familia at night; ISO 12,800, f/3.5, 1/30 sec. I could have used a tripod here, but didn't have it with me.
La Sagrada Familia at night; ISO 12,800, f/3.5, 1/30 sec. I could have used a tripod here, but didn’t have it with me.
Grave of Philippe Le Royer, Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris; ISO 3200, f/5, 1/125 sec. Another outside shot where I could have used a tripod but wasn't carrying it with me.
Grave of Philippe Le Royer, Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris; ISO 3200, f/5, 1/125 sec. Another outside shot where I could have used a tripod but wasn’t carrying it with me.
La Boqueria Market stall, Barcelona; ISO 3200, f/5, 1/200 sec
La Boqueria Market stall, Barcelona; image shot at ISO 3200, f/5, 1/200 sec. Tripods may be allowed  here, but in the busy market, they may not be such a good idea.
Gargoyle, Notre Dame; ISO 3200, f/5.6, 1/30 sec. An outside shot on a cloudy day close to sunset. No tripods allowed, and even worse, shooting through a net.
Gargoyle, Notre Dame; image shot at ISO 3200, f/5.6, 1/30 sec. An outside shot on a cloudy day close to sunset. No tripods allowed. I should note that perhaps even worse than not allowing tripods, when visiting the Notre Dame tower, to shoot the gargoyles, you need to shoot through a net with openings much smaller than a DSLR lens.


98 responses to “When Traveling, Embrace High ISOs”

  1. Jane Lurie Avatar

    Excellent post and set of images, Joe, confirming one shouldn’t be afraid of boosting the ISO. Great clarity in these.

  2. Photography By Steve daPonte Avatar

    Great Images, Joe
    The cameras and software these days are incredible and I am finding myself shooting quite a bit at 3200 in tough lighting conditions.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      So true about the cameras and software. I’m on my 3rd generation digital camera – the first was a Canon 20D and the noise at ISO 800 was objectionable. With my current camera, I don’t think twice about going to ISO 6400.

      1. Photography By Steve daPonte Avatar

        My First camera was an Olympus C- 2500L 2.5Mp camera and anything above ISO 400 was terrible. But it worked great for product photos for websites.

  3. Stacy P. Fischer Avatar

    Wonderful post! And how right you are about not being afraid to increase your ISO if the situation warrants it. Great advice!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thanks Stacy. Maybe this isn’t so new to people how are newly into photography, but I still remember the days when film was winning the argument that it had better quality than digital largely because of the noise issue.

  4. hmunro Avatar

    Isn’t it a pity that they’ve enclosed Notre Dame under a hairnet? In spite of the limitations, you got a stunning image. Beautiful work, Joe — and thanks for the reminder to not fear the high ISO.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I know! I was excited to go up, but so disappointed to find the net – not a problem if you are shooting with a smartphone, but definitely a problem with a DSLR. At least the net is only on the front of the church. I’m sure it is there for safety reasons, some idiot dropped something on the people below, and now we all suffer.

      1. hmunro Avatar

        That’s precisely why it’s there, and I know this for a fact because I inquired. In late August last year someone threw or dropped something and it fell onto the courtyard below, narrowly missing a visiting church official. Grrr. Now I feel more lucky than even to have visited long ago, when you could still walk right up to the gargoyles and touch them, if you so wished. You’ve inspired me to dig out those old photos and put up a post of my own, Joe. Thank you!

        1. joebecker Avatar

          So only last August; now I regret not going up when I was there about 6 or 7 years ago. I thought the line was too long at the time. Just goes to show that we should always assume we will be able to come back later and get the shot. BTW, I went to your blog, H, looking for your gargoyle post but instead found your composite images. The one of the Ely Cathedral is amazing!

          1. hmunro Avatar

            I have quite a few of those “wish I’d taken the opportunity when I had it” regrets myself, Joe. You’re right that they’re a good reminder to make the most of the moment / seize the day.

            And thank you for your kind words about that Ely Cathedral photo. I got a wee bit of vertigo looking down at the transept from my lofty perch inside the ceiling, but it was worth it.

            Speaking of perches, I’ll post a special gargoyle photo just for you in the next day or two — and I’ll try to remember to let you know when I finally get around to the rest of the post I have in mind. (Hint: It will be all about seeing Paris from a pigeon’s perspective.)

            Anyway … thank you for stopping by!

          2. hmunro Avatar

            NOW you’ll find that gargoyle post, Joe. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Sonia Malysz Avatar

    I like the graceful lines of the church of Cornsiergerie, the wide arches of Tinell Hall, and the grave of thoughtful Philippe Le Royer. The undernourished Gargoyle on Notre Dame must have been a challenge. Great photographs, all 🙂

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you for your kind comments Sonia.

  6. lauramacky Avatar

    Lovely shots. 🙂 Funny that you posted this because today I just went out to take some theater shots at ISO 6400! Of course it helps to have a good camera and a great lens and topaz Denoise! 😉

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Yes, I didn’t mention software, but that definitely does help. I don’t personally use Topaz, but I’ve heard good things about it. I normally use the de-noise sliders in Lightroom, and if they don’t work well enough, I use Nik’s Dfine. Hope you came home from the theater with some great shots!

      1. lauramacky Avatar

        I love talking software lol. I use Nik also but Denoise really is a beast in this way. I have a color photo ready to go. I’m eager to post but maybe I’ll schedule for tomorrow since I just posted this. 🙂 Thank you!!

        1. joebecker Avatar

          Speaking of software, what do you use for your black and whiter conversions? I use Silver Efex in the Nik suite, as you could probably guess. I just went to your blog to see your theater images. I like the color one, but love the black and white one!

          1. lauramacky Avatar

            I use different things for different purposes. I have the entire Nik suite as well and love it. SEP2 is my favorite black and white program. I do some conversions in Photoshop though and that’s what I used for the theater black and white. It’s easier for me to isolate parts of the image with layers even though I know you can use the Nik for it. Thanks for checking out the photos! I love to talk software so you can always email me at info@lauramacky.com if you want to chat about it. 🙂

  7. […] So when on a non-photography trips and heading out with the family, I go with a minimal set of equipment.  I will put the 28-300mm lens on the camera, take the battery grip off, and put the camera in the holster (the camera will not fit in the holster with the battery grip on). In the pockets of the holster, which are rather small, I’ll carry a spare battery, a spare memory card, a cleaning cloth, and the polarizing filter. Sometimes, if I know I will want it, I’ll carry the 17-40mm lens in my coat pocket (no room in the camera holster). Rarely I’ll carry the tripod as well with this minimal setup. This minimal set of equipment allows me to get quality photographs without impacting the family, though I will often have to shoot at a higher ISO than I’d like due to not having the tripod (see my last post). […]

  8. Anton Lennikov Avatar

    Images are increadibly good considering hight ISO values. Do you use any filters to fight with the noise? or any specific post processing pipeline?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      For web or digital presentation, I only use the noise sliders in Lightroom. If I want to print an image, I also use Dfine (part of the Nik collection, which is now available for free from Google, btw). I typically do my noise reduction early in my processing workflow.

  9. kaveripoonacha Avatar

    Wow, excellent photo shots! Loved it 🙂

  10. afrilly Avatar

    Wow, I didn’t even know ISO can get so high (I am completely new to photography; still trying to sort out ISO and f values and apertures in my head)! Your photos look amazing on a computer monitor, but how would they fare if you printed them? Would you notice the digital noise?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      It’s amazing how high ISO can go on new cameras. I haven’t printed any of these shots yet, but I have printed other images with ISOs up to 6400 up to about 16×20 inches. When processing an image for printing, I will first use the noise sliders in Lightroom, and then Dfine (part of the Nik collection) in Photoshop. The digital noise is visible, but I don’t think it is too objectionable. I’ve found you can’t get totally rid of it otherwise you lose too much detail.

      1. afrilly Avatar

        I see. I didn’t know Lightroom existed! I still have /so/ much to learn!

        Thanks for the response!

  11. Geoff Avatar

    Thanks. Nice photos.
    I find that if you get the exposure right, modern good DSLRs will give you a useable photo. You might not want make a large format print of it, but it will be fine for the web. And if it is still too noisy you can always make it a black and white and call it grain 🙂

    1. joebecker Avatar

      So true, for web/digital presentation, noise at these high ISO is not a problem. Printing can be a bit tricky, but as long as the print isn’t too big, it can be done with good results.

  12. microstockguide Avatar

    Lovely Shots! I should visit more churches and cathedrals with my camera as well 😉

  13. Merilee Avatar

    Gorgeous images. I have a tripod, but I never use it, for various reasons. Instead, I use my own body as a tripod. Sounds weird, but it works 🙂

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Good for you! I wish I could hold my camera stiller than I can.

      1. Merilee Avatar

        It’s never as good as a tripod, but pretty darn close. Sort of a weird stance from when I used to do martial arts. Your images are really lovely.

  14. Holiday Season Avatar

    Do you also use auto iso?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I occasionally use auto ISO, but not on these images.

      1. Holiday Season Avatar

        What was the reason please? Was it because the auto iso may not be so accurate?


        1. joebecker Avatar

          It’s not that auto is so inaccurate; it does provide for an acceptable exposure. I like to use aperture priority, and when I combine that with auto ISO, for my camera at least, I’ve noticed that the camera picks an shutter speed that I consider too slow. By adjusting the ISO myself, I have more control.

  15. Trish Uy Avatar

    Great post. Im having a hard time figuring out the right IOS setting but this sure helps.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Glad I could help.

  16. mark1408 Avatar

    Fascinating. I see no noise in your images on my iPad – they’re great! Even my humble Canon compact can go up to 3200, although it’s pretty grainy. Worth remembering.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      The amount of noise depends on the technology used when the camera was built and the sensor size. I’m using a full-frame camera, much less noise than the small sensor in a compact camera.

  17. Als Avatar

    Reblogged this on lovefortyblog and commented:
    Beautiful images – and great tips just in time for my holiday!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Hope the tips come in handy!

  18. The Gray Bull Avatar

    The photos were great. Did you use Lightroom or another editing program for the post-processing?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I always use Lightroom for post processing. If I intend to print an image, I’ll do some additional processing in Photoshop. All the images in this post were only processed in Lightroom.

  19. Ed Lehming Photography Avatar

    I just found myself in the sand situation a few weeks ago. I try to limit ISO to 250, but it’s totally impractical indoors, even with my f/2.8! And yes, tripods are so not welcome in many busy places. Thanks for sharing!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thanks for commenting Ed. I’m afraid there are more and more places where tripods, and even monopods, are not welcome.

  20. askonsincebirth Avatar

    Great insight about the pictures. Glad to see such artistic work and patience photography !! Keep Going

  21. writegill Avatar

    Admirable work, stunning photos for a ‘consumer’ who is clueless about the technical process! Thank you!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you! Hopefully I’ve given you a bit of technical insight into the process.

  22. mywords331 Avatar

    splendid photography..

  23. Faizal Hashmi Avatar

    photos are amazing !!

  24. Ahuja Constructions Avatar

    Great captures. Art be it in any form depicts is a language of communication by itself.

  25. Tania Han Avatar

    Great photos. Until recently, I have been never used ISO higher than 800 but since getting a new camera and having higher ISO capabilities I have only tentatively tried going higher so thanks for the inspiration.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Yes, I don’t think I would have tried many of these images with my old camera, at least not with good results.

  26. masego16pennelizzie Avatar

    Nice and fantastic image. I like it and I like photography

  27. Miss Exploraholic Avatar

    thank you for sharing this

  28. Iriz Chan Avatar
    Iriz Chan

    I’m new in photography and yes there are so many things to learn. Thanks for these great tips! Noted! 🙂

  29. shubhammansingka Avatar

    Absolutely worth it, to the question you ask. Great tip, I had a hunch about higher ISO too and reading this and seeing your pictures has reconfirmed it.


  30. alibelsite Avatar

    Good work, Great insight! Maybe you want to read our Article about Vienna?

  31. cruiseplannersctwv Avatar

    Excellent information! Thanks for the great tips. Stunning photos.

  32. Keng Avatar

    Great article and excellent accompanying photos to demonstrate the message. I learned something today. Thank you.

  33. pnalundasan Avatar

    Great post and photos! I accidentally discovered this very thing on my trip to Europe!

  34. Michelle Avatar

    Congrats on being freshly pressed! Sorry… ‘discovered’ 😉
    Beautiful shots, and I found your post particularly interesting as my pet peeve at the moment is shooting in low light. I have a Nikon D40x that’s nearly 10 years old and it’s fantastic in daylight and all, but not so good in low light. ISO only goes up to 6400 then ‘HI1’, and is extremely noisy and grainy, and still so dark. I don’t want to insult you by implying it’s the equipment that takes such great shots – I know it’s the skill of the photographer!!! – but if you had any recommendations as to brands/models/general features for when I upgrade I would be supremely grateful 🙂 🙂

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Any newer model will likely be an upgrade for you as far as ISO capabilities. You probably should stick with Nikon so you don’t have to buy new lenses.

      1. Michelle Avatar

        Yeah I figured… I drool over Canons sometimes – EOS especially – but Nikon is a great brand too. I need to upgrade ASAP! Thanks, Joe.

  35. Michelle Avatar

    Oh, and did your camera/s have image stabilisation for those low light shots at all?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      No. Only my 70 -200 mm zoom has image stabilization and I don’t thick I used it for any of these shots.

  36. Laavinia Avatar

    Amazing pictures !

  37. Happy Rabbit Travels Avatar

    Wow! Would love to visit this place and took photos like that. So great!

  38. bethgoffolson Avatar

    Captivating photos. Thanks for sharing.

  39. positivelykathryn Avatar

    Beautiful pictures thank you for sharing your advice!

  40. […] saw this post in my Reader. It explained something that I’d had a preference for when I was younger and just starting to […]

  41. Syma K. Avatar

    Great photos and advice. I can never understand why camera photography is prohibited while everyone easily uses their phone to take pictures anyways.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thanks for commenting, but please don’t get me started on that pet peeve of mine 🙂

  42. James Purcell Avatar

    Nice shots.
    There is something in the minds of the misguided managers of sites who seam to think that everyone with a DSLR is a professional taking photo’s to earn money.
    I have seen this a few times but what they fail to realise is that most phones can now match or beat most solo camera’s when it come to taking pictures.
    That and the fact that anyone owning a DSLR tend to take more time and care when taking they’re pictures.

  43. The B.L.A.C.K Media Avatar

    Amazing images and post. Have you tried a longer shutter speed 5secs etc with a higher ISO to see if that wud work too?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      No, I would need a tripod for such a longer shutter speed and not being able to use one is why I was using the high ISO.

      1. The B.L.A.C.K Media Avatar

        Ohh ok i thought i read something about a tripod it was a long read i may have mixed it up. But ok thanks

      2. The B.L.A.C.K Media Avatar

        But do you think it could work?

  44. DIfotoINviaggio Avatar

    I totally agree with you. when i go in a weekend Ryanair trip around Europe I’d rather avoid bringing the tripod and most of the times I don’t regret as it would have been not practical anyway. I’ve got a fuji x100s and it’s amazing at high iso. Look at my pictures in Cracovia mines if you’d like too see how it shots with very little light without tripod

  45. James Gielow Avatar

    I must admit that I rarely will go that high in ISO when shooting. I use a Nikon D80 which may be a wee bit old when dealing with noise. Lately I’ve just been using a prime lens and opening it up to 1.8 to make up for poor light. It works great provided you’re after a nice bokeh. Perhaps I’ll revisit the uber fast ISO as a happy medium…

    What are you shooting with by the way?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I currently shoot with a Canon 6D and the shots for this post i used a 2.8 24 – 70 zoom.

      1. James Gielow Avatar

        Ah, a Canon man. Now we must meet upon the field of battle. For it is written that Nikon shall nary mingle in the dark canyons of Canons…

        1. joebecker Avatar

          LOL, spoken like a true Nikon man

  46. thelocalforeign Avatar

    Thanks for sharing!

  47. mrmickca Avatar

    Great article! Your images are nice and sharp – especially considering high ISO and no tripod.

  48. zarinayuuu Avatar

    Beautiful images!

  49. Rockasaurous Avatar

    I’ve found myself embracing higher ISOs more often, even in broad daylight with fast action. Well done!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Good point. Thanks for commenting.

  50. lightbox3d Avatar

    Great post. Heading to St Chapelle and was wondering about tripod.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I don’t recall for certain, but 99% sure they are not allowed. Besides, it was so crowded when I was there, it would be impossible to use.

  51. Laura Meyers Avatar

    Excellent images! So sharp!

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