Umtanum Quick Shots

While rain was falling over much of western Washington yesterday, Tanya, Carson and I took a hike in eastern Washington up Umtanum Canyon. It took two hours to drive there from Tacoma, but it was worth it to stretch our legs in a desert canyon. Here’s some quick shots from the trip.

Tanya and Carson
Tanya and Carson crossing the Yakima River; Umtanum Canyon is in the background.
Typical scene in Umtanum Canyon – basalt cliffs and bare bushes
Lichen details on a basalt boulder along the trail.
Part of the trail was snow covered. Carson would sit and lay in it whenever he got the chance.
Ponderosa pine (one of the few large trees in the canyon) and a colorful cliff wall
Spring is on the way. Here grass is starting to poke through an aspen leaf that fell last fall.
I’m not sure what this bush is, but I liked its yellowish orange bark.
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