Tag: light painting

  • The Art of Capturing Time

    I’ve heard photography described as the art of capturing light, and perhaps I’ve been guilty of describing it that way as well. Photographic tips often talk about looking for dynamic light, chasing the good light, etc. Yet photography is more than light, it is also time. Consider your camera. Leaving ISO aside, there are two…

  • Night Moves – Correct Exposure for Night Photography

    “Workin’ on mysteries without any clues, Workin’ on our night moves” -Bob Seger, Night Moves Last Tuesday, I spent a few hours working on some night photography down on the Ruston Way waterfront with a small group from the Mountaineers. We got quite a few questions about what we were doing down there with cameras…

  • Fun in the Dark

    Fun in the Dark

    “Photographers do it in a darkroom,” or so says an old bumper sticker. But now in the days of digital photography, fewer and fewer photographers use a darkroom. So what do photographers now do in the dark – they do light painting of course! Wait, you say, what is light painting? Light painting is a…