Scenes from Twisp

Hills above Twisp, Washington
Hills above Twisp, Washington – the hills were actually quite green, especially for this time of year (a reflection of the wet spring Washington has had this year), but I liked this black & white interpretation better than the color version

Last weekend Tanya and I traveled to Twisp, Washington to stay with friends at their cabin. The cabin sits on a hillside overlooking the Twisp River. We spent a lot of time relaxing, reading, eating and drinking. It was a great time. I did not get my camera out much – this wasn’t suppose to be photo weekend, but a time with friends. However, I did take a few shots. Here are a few scenes from Twisp I hope you enjoy.

Starting Young - young street musicians at the Twisp Farmers Market.
Old Boards - close up of the side of an old Twisp building, long used to hang flyers and community announcements, as evidenced by thousands of staples
Chip - this fellow and his compadres turned the cabin's bird feeder into a chipmunk feeder
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