Quick Shot – Umtanum

Bridge at UmtanumEarlier this week Nahla, Tanya and I ventured out on Veteran’s Day in search of some the last fall colors of the season. Two weeks earlier, my friend and fellow photographer Bob Miller visited me in Tacoma. He asked for suggestions of photographic side roads he could visit on his drive home to Arizona. I suggested the Yakima Canyon Road, also known as State Route 821. Bob posted some great photos from the drive on Facebook.

I was particularly taken with one of his shots, taken from the suspension bridge over the Yakima River leading to the trail up Umtanum Creek. A year and a half ago, Tanya, Carson and I hiked this trail, and one of my favorite photos of Tanya (and Carson) was taken on this bridge. Because of Bob’s shot, I decided we should try the same road. Bob definitely had better color than we did, but it was worth the drive anyway. The day was cold and windy, but sunny. I came away with some good shots, and may post more of them later. But today, I want to feature the one I took from the bridge, just to show Bob what a difference two weeks makes. By the way, though it looks fairly warm in this photo, it was near freezing with the wind blowing about 20 mph. Brr!


4 responses to “Quick Shot – Umtanum”

  1. Bob Miller Avatar

    I think I hit it just right. The low clouds in my shot sure make a difference in the mood too. Being it was my only time there, it was nice to see yours too though- thanks for posting.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      You did; looks like you had peak color and the low clouds added much. I did have sun, but it set up contrast problems. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your composition; I wanted to show you what it looked like a couple weeks later.

  2. […] The first recreation area heading south on the road, Umtanum, is particularly worth a stop. Here a suspension bridge spans the river, leading to a fine hike up Umtanum Creek. The hike leads through Untanum Canyon, away from the […]

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