Mountain Blues

Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend.

The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outing, lead by my friend and most excellent photographer John Woods. We camped at campground at Deer Park and had great views of the Olympic Mountains without leaving our picnic table. But we did leave the picnic table, to travel the short distance the rest the way up Blue Mountain for sunset and sunrise shots.

Blue Mountain is 6,007 feet high, which may not sound like much, but because its summit is only less than 12 miles from sea level, it seems like it is way up there. It is one of the highest places you can drive to in Washington State (the parking lot is about 170 feet below the summit). The view is incredible – look to the north and see the Straits of Juan de Fuca, Vancouver Island, the San Juan Islands,  the Canadian Cascades, Port Angeles, Sequim, and Victoria, British Columbia; look to the east and see Whidbey Island, Puget Sound, Mount Baker, Glacier Peak, and the North Cascades; and look to the south and west see the Olympic Mountains.

But there was much more to photograph than the view from Blue Mountain. There were lots of wildflowers and animal life (they don’t call it Deer Park for nothing). And there were hikes to take. It was a great weekend – definitely nothing to be blue about.

Sunset over the Olympic Mountains
Early morning fog in the low lands and over Puget Sound
Morning light on the Olympics
A hawk came to visit our camp
Colorful thistle were abundant in the Deer Park area
A view from very near our campsite
Wildflowers and Mount Olympus
Another view from near our campsite
Indian paintbrush


170 responses to “Mountain Blues”

  1. ashleypaige4 Avatar

    These photos are spectacular. I’ve recently grown more and more interested in Olympic NP, and these made me even more interested! Thanks for sharing!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Ashley, thanks for the nice comment about my photos. You really should visit Olympic National Park sometime – it is a special place.

  2. laurahartson Avatar

    such pretty shots!

    1. thiết kế nội thất đẹp Avatar

      Agree with you. These are great photos.

  3. Lakia Gordon Avatar

    Gorgeous photos! I like the thistle 🙂

  4. Mikalee Byerman Avatar

    Absolutely STUNNING photos — I love the shot of the fog. Incredible!


  5. westwood Avatar

    Gorgeous. Even the evisceration of the forest by the mountain pine beetle looks pretty when you photograph it.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Actually, the dead trees are from a forest fire a number of years ago. I enjoy photographing dead trees (I know, call me weird), but more so when they weren’t taken out by pine beetles.

  6. sophabroad Avatar

    These photos are really gorgeous – the fog looks so ethereal; I thought it was a photo of the ocean at first.

  7. BLaine Robert Parker Avatar

    Quite intriguing Pic s !!

  8. tita buds Avatar

    These are stunning. You chose the times of the day when the light makes mountains like these look even more majestic.

  9. pause Avatar

    woooooooooow realy cool photos..!!well done!

  10. conniewalden Avatar

    Great photography of beautiful scenery. Thanks for sharing it. Connie

  11. Chintan Gupta Avatar

    you are so good with the camera…It’s hard to believe 🙂 first and third photograph is simply superb….


  12. Anita Mac Avatar

    Your shots are amazing! The colour in early morning fog is beautiful and your shots breathtaking! Thanks for sharing!

  13. The Simple Life of a Country Man's Wife Avatar

    Love those mountains and wildflowers…

  14. Barb Avatar

    Such beautiful images. I am touched.
    It is wonderful to be able to photograph simple things yet, see a new world in each of them.

  15. pjmgfashionn11 Avatar

    Gorgeous picture! 4th one down in stunning

  16. kalee11 Avatar

    These photos are so beautiful they look faked! (And I mean that as a compliment!)

  17. […] Mountain Blues (via joebeckerphoto) Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  18. triptisharma2012 Avatar

    w.o.w i could really spend my days just for the heck of the view…!!! amazing

  19. PCC Advantage Avatar

    These photos are absolutely unbelievable!! Gorgeous!! Even with the all of the lighting issues you had… 😉

    Thanks so much for sharing and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      So that’s what happened, I wondered why I suddenly had so many comments. Thanks for looking!

  20. My Camera, My Friend Avatar

    Beautiful photos! I love the colors.

  21. bercton Avatar

    Awesome photos!

  22. SaraPey Avatar

    You did an amazing work. Seriously!

  23. jgins Avatar


  24. Sarah Avatar

    Nice work! I’ve never been there.


  25. Goldor Avatar

    It’s fantastic!!!!

  26. nod 'n' smile Avatar

    I love the times of day when the sun hits the world just so and everything’s golden! Gorgeous scenery and incredible photos!

  27. GraceLynneFleming Avatar

    outrageously beautiful

  28. kidkameleon Avatar

    Your photography is the best!!! Wow…..

  29. garrettbricker Avatar

    Those are some great views of the pacific northwest!

  30. Jameson Avatar

    These are spectacular! I’m a sucker for great nature photos.

  31. vixstar1314 Avatar

    Wow beautiful pictures thanks for sharing

  32. Maya Avatar

    One word: Woah!

  33. Genevieve Avatar

    These pictures capture the place exactly as I remember it from camping trips as a child; complete with all the magic and wonder the Earth presents through the eyes of a youth. Phenomenal work! Thanks for the reminder to live in awe of my surroundings!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Genevieve, it’s that way for me too; at least that is one reason I do photography. I took long camping trips across the West with my parents and siblings when I was young. The photography brings some of that back. Thanks for your nice comments.

  34. […] Mountain Blues (via joebeckerphoto) September 6, 2011 Filed under: Uncategorized — A Cameo Life @ 2:36 pm Tags: blue-mountain, deer-park, flowers, olympic-mountains, olympic-national-park, olympic-peninsula, photography, summer, sunrise, sunset, travel, travel-2, travel-photography, washington Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  35. Sophia Morgan (griffinspen) Avatar

    Goodness, these pictures are stunning. The very first one of the rock with the bright light hitting it, but the other part in shadows, is brilliant. I especially love the one of the fog with the mountains in the distance. The close up of the thistle plant is also gorgeous. I would love to visit Olympic National Park now.

  36. thebigbookofdating Avatar

    WOW really stunning photos! love em (:

  37. Amanda (Adele) Delsohn Avatar

    Your photos are beautiful. I really enjoyed your post! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  38. ohioken Avatar

    Grreat pictures.

  39. […] Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  40. beespectacles Avatar

    you are so freakin’ TALENTED. i am in awe.

  41. bs10325 Avatar

    I love pictures of the out doors and those blew my mind! They were so amazing! Good job 🙂

  42. Paul Miller Avatar

    Great shots! What an experience to have!

  43. Gail Avatar

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I love the photo of the fog (I also thought it was the ocean at first). The blue sky in the hawk photo is absolutey gorgeous and those thistles…. aren’t they unusual? Thanks for posting this!

  44. Red Toenails Avatar
    Red Toenails

    Wow. Loved this. Can’t get enough of pics where you feel like you can step off into them.


  45. ronmitchelladventure Avatar

    Thanks for the incredible photo journey.

  46. anniegetyourgun1 Avatar

    I love the mountains, and this pictures are beautiful. I especially love pictures 1, 3, & 4. These photos definitely deserve to be highlighted on Freshly Pressed.

  47. 300hikes Avatar

    The first picture is really stunning. Congrats!

  48. k8edid Avatar

    Beautiful, thanks for sharing these. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed.

  49. bagnidilucca Avatar

    These photos are georgeous. You really deserved to be freshly pressed.

  50. bobo on the run Avatar

    Great photos! Beautiful light and very atmospheric – well done 🙂 A mountaineering photography trip sounds like something I’d like too!

  51. Betsy Avatar

    Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  52. Naraluna Avatar

    Amazing. These pictures reminded me of the beautiful things in life. Thank you!

  53. diggingher Avatar

    absolutely stunning photography. Isn’t it magnificant to admire Creation.

  54. Alexandra Avatar

    those are insanely beautiful photos. I want to go there!


  55. Rai Avatar

    This looks like SUCH a fun trip! It makes me miss Alaska.


    I was never so lucky =(

  56. Ben Avatar

    These are great. Mountains always remind me of God’s power. Thanks for sharing with us!

  57. starlight427 Avatar

    wonderful photos, i love the wildflowers. i could imagine myself sitting there just enjoying the view and interacting with nature.. thanks for sharing.

  58. pabx panasonic Avatar

    nice share gan 🙂

  59. leadinglight Avatar

    I love the morning light and the hawk. Those are my favourites. Are you a pro photographer?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Leadinglight, the hawk shot was pure chance, as it landed in a tree next to our camp and gladly posed. I am a professional, but only part-time. I’d starve if I had to make my living at photography. Glad you like my work.

  60. Mark C Avatar

    That’s definitely not the Deer Park where I live. I’m from Deer Park Texas. All we see are smoke Stacks. Very beautiful where you are from
    Maybe I need to move.

    Mark from

  61. Mz. Practicality Avatar

    Gorgeous Pics! Great shots and awesome eye! I am freshly impressed! 🙂

  62. Mini.Sun Avatar

    in sea of clouds just like in fairyland, bring us relax and happy.

  63. Rashmi... Avatar

    amazing, breathtaking pictures…congrats for getting Freshly pressed!!!

  64. Make Contact with Silvia Rossi Avatar

    I’ve camped out in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming to name a few, and it is difficult to capture natures majesty in a still shot. You have done so in these gorgeous photos. They brought me back to those very places. Thanks.

  65. MaiBao Avatar

    Breathtakingly beautiful.

  66. frankren1990 Avatar

    So beautiful it is! Well done!

  67. rojan88 Avatar

    awesome pictures. 🙂 most specially that i love color blue 🙂

  68. Ben Tolmachoff Avatar

    Gorgeous photos. Unfortunately for myself, all of the mountains around me are tan; living in Arizona can be such a drag when it comes to nature.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      But Ben, I love the Southwest including those brown mountains. They have a different kind of beauty. I’m going on a trip to the Southwest soon (though missing Arizona), check out my blog over the next month.

  69. patricksnyder5 Avatar

    Such good photos- I was hesitant when I checked this Freshly Pressed entry, but I’m so impressed by your clearly thoughtful composition, not only with shapes, but with color/contrast, depth of field/object alignment and GREAT soft light from rising/setting sun!

    Not just another person with a fancy, expensive camera taking “auto” shots of some backyard flower. So glad I saw this!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thanks Patrick, my camera almost never goes on into auto mode. Thanks for commenting.

  70. Tinkerbell Avatar

    Incredible photography. You are talented! And the beauty of nature… My God, it’s so spiritual! The Mountains are so fascinating and beautiful!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Klaus – not sure it was exactly the same place, but it’s close. Looks like you were there Labor Day weekend, I was there the week before – though both weekends had similar weather. Nice shot, btw!

  71. natbeau123 Avatar

    gorgeous…amazing photos!

  72. kvennarad Avatar

    a hawk pauses
    to punctuate
    the letter H
    Marie Marshall

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you for the poem!!!

  73. Uterine Fibroids Avatar

    I am a professional, but only part-time.

  74. Fibroids Treatment Avatar

    wonderful photos, i love the wildflowers. i could imagine myself sitting there just enjoying the view and interacting with nature.. thanks for sharing.

  75. Ultrasound Ablation Avatar

    These are great. Mountains always remind me of God’s power. Thanks for sharing with us!

  76. Uterine fibroids causes Avatar

    These pictures reminded me of the beautiful things in life. Thank you!

  77. Focused Ultrasound Surgery Avatar

    Phenomenal work! Thanks for the reminder to live in awe of my surroundings!

  78. bandsmoke Avatar

    Glorious -you have graet skill 🙂

  79. dilekalba Avatar

    Those are gorgeous pictures! You’re truly talented.

  80. AH Avatar


  81. themolesworthdiarist Avatar

    Love it! Mountains are my favourite places, even more than the ocean. Though looks like you have them both close together there…

  82. Janneke de Jong Avatar

    Very lovely photos, seems like such a dreamy place to spend your time.

  83. คนบ้านย้อนตะวัน Avatar


  84. cinquecentoproject Avatar

    Great photos! Congrats on Freshly Pressed.

    My father-in-law is into photography and like you, he’s always wishing the weather were different, but he often ends up with beautiful shots, too.

    These photos are amazing! I lived in the Seattle area for 2 years and just moved to Sicily. I was surprised at the nostalgia I felt with seeing the mountains in some of your photos, I really did love that view. The rest (closeups and such) were amazing too! Great work.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Yes, us photographers are never happy with the weather.

      I’d love to visit Sicily someday. Bet the views are good there too!

  85. jack Avatar

    this is the true colors of nature…!

  86. James Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful. There are a lot of places in the Scottish Highlands where I live which I’d really love to start taking pictures of and I’m thinking of buying a decent camera. Got any recommendations?

    1. joebecker Avatar

      James, I think any of the Canon or Nikon DSLRs are good cameras if you are serious about doing photography. If you want to ease into it, you might try an upper end point-and-shoot camera first. Many serious photographers shoot in RAW format (check out my blog for a discussion of RAW format). You can find some point-and-shoot cameras that do RAW format, like the Canon G95.

  87. rogerthepoet Avatar

    Lovely photo’s, well done on making freshly pressed, you deserve it!!

  88. laurahartson Avatar

    wow you take a fantastic photo!

  89. baby massage Avatar

    Make me remember when hiking to Rinjani Mountain in Lombok Island…Luxury Rental Bali

  90. altheasarah Avatar

    AWESOME is an understatement! What’s the camera you’re using? 🙂 Such superb shots!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I’m shooting with a Canon 50D. I have three main lenses, a 10-22mm, a 24-70mm, and a 70-200mm. I also sometimes use a 100mm macro – that one was used on the thistle shot.

  91. […] Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  92. Roshanne Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful and inspiring

  93. Avinash Pandey Star News Avatar

    Hey thats beautiful. Very well captured. Especially the tree, it appears like it has been given a human form or many human forms.

  94. Nicole Avatar

    Wow! BEAUTIFUL shots! Absolutely gorgeous. Nature is beyond wonderful.

  95. Lele Avatar

    Omg Photos Are spectacular.

  96. My Absolute Dreams Avatar

    I just love the varying colors of the sky….Breathtaking pictures….You have done commendable job!!!! 🙂

  97. michel Avatar

    Beautifull pictures

  98. newbon Avatar

    Stunning images. Thank you for sharing them.

  99. […] Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  100. havecoffeewilltravel Avatar

    Gorgeous pictures. I’ve never been Washington before but it looks like an amazing place to visit.

  101. lapiskamay Avatar

    spectacular views. Great Job!

  102. Travel Spirit Avatar

    I love your photography. I was just in Washington and hiked in Olympic Nat’l Park. If you have time…check it out on my blog.

  103. Rasta teacher Avatar

    The picture of the dead trees really stuck in my mind. Please if you have more like that I would really like to see them. There is something about the complexity between death and life and the cycles in between that fascinates me with nature.

  104. […] Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  105. Scotlands Mountains Avatar

    Superb photos..! Somewhere else to put on my extended list of places to go before I die 🙂

  106. Scott Meis Avatar
    Scott Meis

    Great shots, indeed you and I share a passion for these fine PacNW parts.Cheers!

  107. Felicia Avatar

    wow, your photos are simply breathtaking!!!!

  108. […] Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  109. adrianduque89 Avatar

    these photos are amazing!

  110. Karen Chandler Avatar

    Lovely photos! I especially like the naturally framed hawk and the colorful wildflowers. Congratulations on making Freshly Pressed!

  111. Nisha Avatar

    beautiful images! breathtaking!

  112. Mackenzie | Red Roan Chronicles Avatar

    Great photos! What an incredible array of colors. I really love that shot with the fog, it almost looks like the view from another planet!

  113. Vinod Avatar

    Very nice Post !! I appreciate your overall Blog !! Keep it up !!

  114. Nina Somnia Avatar
    Nina Somnia

    Oh wow. These photos just made me want to pack up and move to Washington! 🙂

  115. Romantic Asian Guy Avatar

    Yup, what amazing photos!

  116. Sean Kingston Avatar

    wow great pictures! good to see some of the olympics…i’m from bainbridge island so this was fun to look through.

  117. iknihnicka Avatar

    piękne zdjęcia:)

  118. zoega59 Avatar

    Thanks for sharing
    I really like the pics

  119. […] Mountain blues? Well, lots blue sky maybe. In fact, the only thing to be blue about was the lack of clouds (ever notice how photographers are never happy with the weather – believe me, Tanya has noticed [and has told me so]). So I saw lots of blue. But how about purples, yellows and reds? I saw them too during the three days I spent on Blue Mountain in Olympic National Park over last weekend. The trip was an official Mountaineers photography outi … Read More […]

  120. stormcellar Avatar

    Awesome photos! These give me SUCH an itch to head back to the mountains.

  121. susielindau Avatar

    Beautiful photos! Congrats on being FP’d!

  122. niceroses Avatar

    Wow, these are some beautiful pics, I loved the Early morning fog in the low lands and over Puget Sound. Thanks for sharing with us 🙂 Listening to Dario Marianelli’s creations while watching your pics was a beautiful experience 😀

  123. Sharp Avatar

    wow those are amazing

  124. […] Mountain Blues ( 0.000000 0.000000 Advertisement LD_AddCustomAttr("AdOpt", "0"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Origin", "other"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_bg", "ffffff"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_border", "bcb7b4"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_text", "4e4e4e"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_link", "0071bb"); LD_AddCustomAttr("theme_url", "b9de20"); LD_AddCustomAttr("LangId", "1"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Autotag", "sports"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "destinations"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "geography"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "history"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "mountains"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "country"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "discoveries"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "history"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "john-meares"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "mount-olympus"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "olympic-mountains"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "olympic-national-park"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "olympic-peninsula"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "pacific-coast-ranges"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "pacific-ocean"); LD_AddCustomAttr("Tag", "united-states"); LD_AddSlot("wpcom_below_post"); LD_GetBids(); Share this:EmailPrintMoreFacebookLinkedInDiggTwitterRedditStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]

  125. gaycarboys Avatar

    not a single bad photo amongst it. well done. my favourite is the dead trees. I bonsai and that would be great inspiration.

  126. skyraftwanderer Avatar

    Amazing photos.

    The first one kind of reminds me of a Georgia O’Keeffe painting.

  127. Dark Fent Avatar

    Simply beautiful. A glance through the pictures remind us that this world can’t simply exist without a creator.

  128. abdulkareem12 Avatar

    beautiful pictures hope man leave such beauty alone so our children and grand children will be able to enjoy also.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  129. Jan Medina Avatar

    i like all the photos you have in your portfolio, Hello from team of

  130. nestdesignstudio Avatar

    Your work is amazing. Thank you for showing us such beautiful pieces!

  131. havingabubble Avatar

    Your pictures are stunning!

  132. asoulwalker Avatar

    Great photos! Thank you for posting. Now I want to go climbing!

  133. conniewalden Avatar

    Beautiful photography. Washington State is the place to be in the summer…when it’s not raining, when it’s not foggy, when it’s not windy…
    Thank you. Connie

  134. […] 23 views on September 5th, a rather typical day. Then on September 6th, WordPress featured my blog Mountain Blues in their Freshly Pressed blogs, resulting in 2,784 views that day and over 3,000 the next day. Wow! […]

  135. rakhikankane Avatar

    amazing places.. i wish i some day visit these sites 🙂

  136. aerah08 Avatar

    I love the way you show us the wonders of these fascinating structures

  137. Amber's Attic Avatar

    Beautiful photographs…

  138. […] *pings ‘Mountain Blues’ by Joe Becker ) Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Published: September […]

  139. tweakindie Avatar

    Beautiful pictures. Thanks.

  140. Lara Avatar

    The pictures make me miss traveling even more like on a normal day. They are absolutely inspring and beautiful!!!

  141. […] were some totally blue skies, most skies provided at least a few clouds to break up the blues (like I complained about in August). Only one day did clouds obscure good, late afternoon light. And we got to experience a lot of the […]

  142. […] with only 364 views. Then I was blessed by the WordPress gods, and my August 30, 2011 post, titled Mountain Blues, was picked as a Freshly Pressed feature. And with that, the number of view in September jumped to […]

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