Madrid Quick Shots

Tanya and I are leaving Spain today. We spent the last four days in Madrid, the first couple days with Brooks (who flew back separately). I didn’t have time for any serious photography, but wanted to post a few quick shots before I left. Enjoy!

Puerta del Sol
Puerta del Sol – at the center of Madrid and a hub of humanity
The several hundred-year old wooden stairs up to our apartment (5 stories!).
Random Statue
Not sure of the name of this statue, but I liked the look of it with typical Madrid buildings in the background.
Bubble Blower
Lots of street entertainers here, including this bubble blower across the street from the Royal Palace.



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2 responses to “Madrid Quick Shots”

  1. Paco Avatar

    Hi Joe,

    This statue shows King Felipe IV (1605-1665). I hope you have enjoyed the city where I was born.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thanks! And I did very much enjoy Madrid. I would have liked to spend more time there.

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