Just a Quick Shot

Riverfront ParkIt’s been a busy week, and I haven’t been able to post. Landscape photographer Guy Tal sent me an advance copy of his new ebook on black and white photography to review, and I’ve been busy reading it. Hopefully I’ll have the review posted soon. If you can’t wait to learn more, here’s a link to  Guy’s blog about it. I’ve also been preparing a photobooth that I will be debuting at a street fair this weekend – more on that later as well.

So in the mean time, here’s just a quick shot that I took last month in Spokane, Washington (where I grew up) while working on an assignment for American Bungalow magazine. This was shot at twilight, after the sun had set – one of my favorite times to shoot. It’s a 30 second exposure, but luckily the couple by the river held still enough to be visible.

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