I miss my Cat

Sugar and Patch
Sugar (on left) and her brother Patch.

Readers of my blog know that Tanya and I have a dog, Carson. But I’m not sure I’ve mentioned we also have two cats. Well only one now because last Sunday we had to put our Sugar down.

Sugar was a very special cat. For one, she was an orange female, which I’m told are fairly rare. Our vet, in fact, said she’d never seen one before. Our other cat, Patch, is Sugar’s brother, and the two were totally different. Patch is very friendly; Sugar very shy. But once she got use to you, she could be very affectionate and loyal.When we first brought the two cats home as kittens, Sugar hid under the furniture for days, while Patch immediately started exploring the house (and begging for food). Patch has a loud, almost aggressive purr; Sugar’s purr was quiet and calming. Sugar was actually my daughter, Janelle’s cat. Janelle, who’s now 22 years old, no longer lives at home, and if she had tried to take Sugar, I doubt Tanya and I would have let her go.

Sugar was a great hunter, and when we lived in the wooded suburbs near Gig Harbor, she’d often bring home live critters of every sort (mice, birds, snakes, frogs, etc.) She loved to have her head scratched and would often hop up on the arm of my chair and rub her head under my hand until I scratched it. She also really liked to use her claws, digging in when she was happy. I don’t know how many sweaters of mine she ruined while I was petting her.

Sugar had been sick for a while, with no clear cause. But even while sick, she was still affectionate and active. Then last week she stopped eating and stopped roaming around the house and yard. The vet thinks it was probably liver cancer. She went downhill fast, but I like to think she had a good 13 years. We had a good 13 years with her.

This blog is my tribute to Sugar – one great cat. I will miss her.






17 responses to “I miss my Cat”

  1. Julia S. Avatar

    A beautiful post. She sounds like she lived an incredibly loved life. I’m sorry for your loss.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Hot Rod Cowgirl Avatar

    I am so sorry for your loss…Sugar sounds like my Minnie…so soft and sweet. They become your children and Minnie is so very human. She is 18 this year and recently got over a bladder infection. It is so very hard to loose our precious kitty angels, and my heart goes out to you. God Bless Sugar…and sending my heart felt thoughts to you and Tanya.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you so much. Take care of your Minnie.

  3. annazenn Avatar

    I have a ginger female cat (Clementina) and I am very sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing this story.

  4. Amber Avatar

    I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a beautiful cat.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Amber, thank you for your kind comment.

  5. Boyer Writes Avatar

    Joe, we had a cat almost exactly the same color as Sugar…and I know how much they are loved. Our cat was Bubba, a big male. He lived 14 years; went upstairs one day; laid down behind a chair and went to animal heaven. Bubba is buried on our old farm; two of our Goloden Retrievers are buried there and at our house. That may sound strange that I say that, but the Holy Scriptures talks about God’s creation of the animals and that some day the lion will lay down with the lamb. He must an ultimate purpose for these little ones. I believe it to be so..and expect that I will some day see a resurrection of Bubba when the great resurrection comes. After all God has a whole universe so there would be room for all. I also have a statue in my garden of St. Francis, the lover of all animals. Blessings from Nancy at http://www.boyerwrites.wordpress.com

    1. joebecker Avatar

      thank you Nancy

  6. Maggie Foran Avatar
    Maggie Foran

    Pets are part of one’s family, so we know you, Tanya, Brooks and Janelle will miss Sugar. Glad she had a happy life and did not suffer for a long time but remained affectionate until the end. Our Mickey is now 17, as skinny as can be, and we did not think he would make it past Christmas, but he continues to keep us company each evening. Thank you for sharing the lovely photo.

  7. terrietez Avatar

    I’m so sorry to hear your sad news. I had to put my seal point Birman, Minnie, to sleep last year, one month before her 20th birthday. I remember her with such love and now I channel all my affection on my remaining seal point Birman, Poppy, who is 11 years old and currently sleeping at the side of me on the sofa.

  8. […] year for animals in the Becker household. As many of you know, earlier this year one of our cats, Sugar, passed away. Now death has struck again. This time, our beloved dog Carson suddenly passed away. Though 10 […]

  9. […] pets – I’m thankful for the many years good years of companionship that Carson and Sugar gave us, the continuing years of companionship that Patch is giving us, and (hopefully) the future […]

  10. […] of my blog will know that last year the Becker household lost one cat and one dog. And while Carson and Sugar will never be replaced, we now have two new members of the […]

  11. […] For years we loved our Newfoundland, Carson, and our two cats, Patch and Sugar. In June 2013, we lost Sugar to cancer. Later in that year, Carson passed away as well. Last Saturday, it was Patch’s […]

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