Happy Birthday Janelle!

Janelle at 5
Janelle, 5 years old

My daughter Janelle turns 21 today. I remember the day she was born, 21 years ago in Seattle. There as a big thunderstorm and it even snowed a bit. An appropriate welcome to the world for a girl who has always been her own person – often to the chagrin of her dad when she was growing up. Now, she’s a fine young woman of whom I couldn’t be prouder. Janelle will graduate later this month from University of California at San Diego with a double major in mathematics and econ science. Following graduation, she is planning a 2-month trip to Europe with her boyfriend, before heading to Seattle to start a job with Amazon.

Happy birthday Janelle from your very proud father. Have fun (and stay out of trouble)!

Janelle, 20 years old, with her cat, Sugar.
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