Celebrating 3 Years and Counting (Print Giveaway!)

A week ago today was the 3-year anniversary of my first blog post, which had the unimaginative, default title of “Hello World.” The stats section of my blog dashboard says it has been viewed 4 times (though it was likely viewed a few more times solely as part of my blog home page). It was a single line of text and a photograph from a snowshoeing trip.

Today, now 3 years from the start, the blog has had over 40,000 hits and has over 4,500 followers. I’d like to thank all of you that follow, read, and interact with me and my blog. You have made the past three years worth while.

However, the beginning of my blog was pretty bleak. My first post with more than a single line of text is titled It’s About Sharing Art, posted on January 19, 2011. My stats indicate this post has been viewed only 9 times. By the end of January 2011, I had made six posts.  None have been “liked” although the post on January 29, 2011, about the death of my friend Bert Daniels, did garner my first comment. In total, the blog received 71 views in the first month of its existence.

Finally, with my second post in February 2011 (and my eighth post overall) I earned a “like.”  That post, titled “Fun in the Dark,” was about light painting. The next several months provided gradually more views (192 views in February, 183 in March, 475 in April, 629 in May, 403 in June, and 255 in July), but very few comments and likes (4 likes, 1 comment in March; no likes, 2 comments in April; 1 like, 1 comment in May and the same again in June; 8 likes, 5 comments in July).

At the time, I remember thinking that it may not be worth doing. Views per month had peaked and were starting to fall. August 2011 appeared to be more of the same, with only 364 views. Then I was blessed by the WordPress gods, and my August 30, 2011 post, titled Mountain Blues, was picked as a Freshly Pressed feature. And with that, the number of view in September jumped to over 7,000. Suddenly I was getting lots of likes, many more comments, and a lot of subscribers. Since that time, the number of view my blog gets per month varies, but averages around 1,000. Hopefully those of you that do view my blog get something worthwhile out of it. That is my true goal, to help my readers with their photography.

In celebration of three years of blogging, I am giving away a 10×15-inch signed print of the one of the images below to one lucky person. Leave a comment about indicating which print you would like, and I will pick one person by random drawing for their selected print. The three images are  1) “Gig Harbor’s Mountain” an image I took in 2005 that is still one of the most popular images I’ve taken; 2) “Low Tide, Beach #4” of a tide pool in Olympic National Park, a favorite of mine that won 1st place in the scenic print competition at  the 2012 meeting of the Nature Photographers of the Pacific Northwest; it was also the subject of a blog post where I described going from previsualization to the print itself; and 3) “Seattle Moon”, one of my favorite shots from my Scenic Seattle ebook. Good luck and thanks for 3 great years!

Gig Harbor's MountainLow Tide, Beach #4Moon over Seattle





13 responses to “Celebrating 3 Years and Counting (Print Giveaway!)”

  1. Ellen Denkers Galerij Avatar

    Happy 3e anniversary. Your story give’s me hope. opend my web this year and are stund about the commend and likes of my family and friends. They say on facebook that they like it, but not on my site and then i think ….whyyyyy. But i’m just starting so i must not complane, yet!!!
    anniway your blog is so true. keep going!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Ellen, I’ve noticed the same thing. Many friends and family comment on Facebook, but not on the blog itself! Hang in there, given your blog will generate traffic if you interact with others and have something good and/or interesting to say or show.

  2. Eric E. Photo Avatar

    I’m commenting to say congratulations and cheers to 3+ more years! You sure are surrounded by much beauty in the PNW and that place, more than any other, inspired my photography to take shape. My blog is a bit different after 4 years and I look forward to the next 4. Blogs are great for recounting experiences and connecting with others. On top of that, the readers (and bloggers) are MUCH more interactive than any other social media platform. Happy New Year and looking forward to all you have coming. I respectfully pass on the print giveaway though.

  3. howe411 Avatar

    I loved this post! The stats are so encouraging. I’m not sure what I’m really trying to accomplish with my little blog along with my son. So far it has motivated us to get out and about, talk about it and how we want to present it on our “web site”. My son is really interested in the stats, who is looking at our stuff and how soon we will be reaching the world. I will share your stats with him and I’m sure he’ll be interested as well. As for me I have been a little surprised how much I have got into the whole process, I find myself on wordpress almost every night looking at what others are doing, reading about the contest and challenges and I am eager to work on improving my skills at writing, taking pictures and getting it all to the page designed well. Full disclosure: I’m watching the stats as well. Overall this has been a very positive experience personally and with my son and it’s posts like this that will keep me motivated. Check out our A and J adventure page (the boat shop page is from last year and never really took off. I’ll get back to it though.

    Congrats on 3 years! You’re photography is gorgeous!! I wish I could show the beauty of nature the way you do. I’m big into boats and nature. If we win I’d choose the 1st image and place it on our desk to motivate my son “Big A” and I to keep hiking, keep taking pictures and continue blogging.

    – Jim

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Jim, thanks for your comments. Even if you blog doesn’t attract a lot of views, comments, etc., it looks like a great vehicle to have experiences with your son, both outdoors adventures and computer/internet adventures. Congratulations on coming up with a great way to enjoy time with your son. I wish this option had been around when my son was the age of “Big A” (my son is now 25). Thanks for sharing your blog.

  4. WildMexicanRose Avatar

    Beautiful work!!! Love all of the pictures, however my favorite one is the gig harbor mountain.

  5. sarahz78 Avatar

    Happy 3rd Anniversary! 🙂

  6. Steve Avatar

    Low tide beach!

  7. hannahistanford Avatar

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I’m brand new to WordPress and love your work it’s so inspiring, I really think “Seattle moon” is a great photograph and would love that! Thanks for your giving heart.

  8. Boyer Writes Avatar

    You are most talented. As you, I started a few years back, and wondered where blogging would take me. Now, I found it to be a wonderful part of my life…especially knowing some people around the world think that I have something worth reading. You certainly have many things worth viewing. Blessings in the year to come. Nancy at Boyer Writes

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you Nancy.

  9. joebecker Avatar

    Jim, of http://aandjoutdooradventures.wordpress.com/ is the winner of the print giveaway. Thank you to all who left comments! – Joe

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