Category: photography

  • Seeing Red – My 2 Cents Worth about Adobe

    Many photographers have been seeing red when looking at the Adobe Corporation this week. There’s been a lot of words, mostly nasty, flying around the internet since Adobe’s announcement that they will no longer sell perpetual licenses for Photoshop and their other Creative Suite applications, instead going to a subscription model of licensing. So, being…

  • Ending Soon

    My Kickstarter project to help fund my upcoming Seattle ebook is ending soon. As of this writing, there are about 53 hours left to back the project. Backing the project is a great way to reserve a copy of the ebook at a discounted price (or to get some other reward, like an autographed print).…

  • Six Years Ago this Month

    I haven’t been out shooting lately. I’m planning to go out tomorrow, but with a forecast of rain, I’m not sure how much photography I’ll be doing. While it is rainy here now, that wasn’t the case six years ago, when we had a big snow storm here in the Puget Sound region. I was…

  • Calendar Photo Stories

    As many of my regular readers know, I have a day job as a hydrogeologist. I work for a company called Robinson Noble, based in Tacoma, Washington. Each year, Robinson Noble produces a calendar for clients. Many companies do something similar (so far this month, I’ve received two calendars from engineering companies, one from a…

  • A Long Engagement

    Since coming back from Spain, I’ve been catching up on things, so I haven’t had much time to blog. Last Saturday, I did have a chance to do some photography – a wedding. This wedding reminded me of why I am not fond of doing weddings. Though asking for a couple weeks, I didn’t learn…

  • Granada, the Alhambra, and a bit of History

    Granada, the Alhambra, and a bit of History

    1492 was a big year in Spain. Americans, me included, mainly associate the year 1492 with when Columbus sailed to the Americas. However, here, 1492 is the year the Catholics finally conquered all of Spain from the Moors. The Moors last stand was here in Granada. The Alhambra was the last Moorish palace and seat…

  • Leaving Seville

    Leaving Seville

    We are leaving Seville (or Sevilla as it is spelled here) this morning and heading off to Granada with a quick stop in Gibraltar along the way. I don’t have time to write much, so I’m just posting a few photos of Sevilla. The featured photo above is of a domed ceiling in the Alcazar.…

  • Holy Toledo!

    Holy Toledo!

    From New York, Tanya and I flew to Spain, rented a car, and drove to Toledo to start our Spanish vacation. The next morning, our son Brooks flew in to meet us. Toledo is the former capital of Spain. The city teems with Christian, Jewish, Moorish, Visigothic, and Roman history. The cathedral was amazing. Construction…

  • Tripods in New York

    Tripods in New York

    Yesterday, being our first full day in New York, I decided to carry the full camera bag and tripod around. Probably not the best move, since the camera bag bumped into several people, including Tanya (according to her, about 25 times). We hit two big sites yesterday, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Top…