Calendar Photo Stories

Haystack RockAs many of my regular readers know, I have a day job as a hydrogeologist. I work for a company called Robinson Noble, based in Tacoma, Washington. Each year, Robinson Noble produces a calendar for clients. Many companies do something similar (so far this month, I’ve received two calendars from engineering companies, one from a well driller, and one from a trucking company). We differentiate our calendar from all the others by making it large and useable (when open, it is roughly 16×24 inches, with room to write appointments on the days), but especially by using my photography (a principal in the company) rather than stock photography. We also limit the photos to scenes from the Pacific Northwest (where the majority of our business takes place). The calendar is always well received and appreciated.

I recently wrote a post for the Robinson Noble blog that highlights the 12 images in the 2013 calendar and provides a back story to each image. Though I’ve shown many of the photos from the new calendar previously on this blog, there are several ones I have not shown. The photo above (of Haystack Rock at Pacific City, Oregon), for example, is featured on the cover of Robinson Noble’s 2013 calendar.

If you get a chance, visit my blog post presenting the 2013 calendar photos and tell me what you think.





One response to “Calendar Photo Stories”

  1. elmdriveimages Avatar

    Joe: The images on your company page calendar are beautifully captured. Great composition, focus, depth of field, and all very enjoyable to view.

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