
Pueblo BonitoI’m not sure I’d ever heard about Chaco Culture National Historical Parkprior to researching where I wanted to go on my Southwest trip last September. But as I did my research, I became excited about this place. What self-respecting travel photographer, or at least those who like to get off the beaten path, would not want to go there! And off the beaten path it is. Is there any other national park in the lower 48 with vehicular access that requires driving at least 21 miles off the highway, with 13 or more miles of, to quote the Park Service, “rough dirt road?”  That may not seem very far, but when you are traveling the road in the late afternoon in hopes of getting a camping spot (in a campground with only 49 spots and nothing else even remotely nearby), that 21 miles seems longer.

Pueblo Bonito doorways
Doorways in Pueblo Bonito

Because it is so remote, the night sky is incredible there (the nearest town of any size if Farmington, New Mexico, about an hour and half drive from the park). The park has an observatory and hosts a night sky program help visitors appreciate the astronomy visible there. In fact the night sky at Chaco was declared a  critical natural resource in 1993. I’d like to show you the images I took of the night sky at Chaco, but I made a rookie mistake. When shooting a star trail shot from our campsite, the battery run out on my camera! Lesson learned – always have a fully charged battery when doing star trail images (leaving the aperture open for hours tends to suck up a lot of battery life).

The park wasn’t created for the sky though, it was created to preserve one of the largest collections of ruins in the Southwest. It is on par with Mesa Verde National Park, but built in a shallow canyon instead of on cliff walls (making access to the ruins much easier). Here’s how the Park Service’s website describes Chaco:

From AD 850 to 1250, Chaco was a hub of ceremony, trade, and administration for the prehistoric Four Corners area–unlike anything before or since.  Chaco is remarkable for its multi-storied public buildings, ceremonial buildings, and distinctive architecture.  These structures required considerable planning, designing, organizing of labor, and engineering to construct.  The Chacoan people combined many elements: pre-planned architectural designs, astronomical alignments, geometry, landscaping, and engineering to create an ancient urban center of spectacular public architecture–one that still awes and inspires us a thousand years later.

The place is so full of ruins there are even some within the campground. We only spent one night there, but could have easily spent several days. The park contains many major excavated (or partially excavated) sites along the loop road, and more if you want to hike. If you only have a little time when visiting there, such as we did, be sure to go to Pueblo Bonito, the most excavated of the large ruins. Many of the images featured here are from that site. Pueblo Bonito was a major center of ancestral Puebloan culture between AD 850 and 1150. It covers over 3 acres, was four and five stories tall, and contained more than 600 rooms. It is shaped like a large “D” and contains two plazas and dozens of kivas. The place is amazing and quite photogenic.

In addition to ruins, there is canyon and desert scenery to be shot. And wildlife as well. Amazingly, the park is home to an elk herd (who visited us in the middle of the night at the campground). Coming from Washington State, where elk frequent the forests, it was hard for me to believe they also like this place with high summer temperatures and no trees.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park is worth the drive. Check it out the next time you’re in New Mexico.

Sunrise at Chaco Canyon
Sunrise at Chaco Canyon
Casa Rinconada
The Great Kiva at Casa Rinconada (with Tanya on the far side)
Pueblo Bonito closeup
Pueblo Bonito closeup
T-shaped door
T-shaped door at Pueblo Bonito
Wall at Hungo Pavi
Wall at Hungo Pavi
Fajada Butte sunset
Fajada Butte sunset
Pueblo Bonito at sunset
Pueblo Bonito at sunset
Wetherill Cemetery
Wetherill Cemetery – early homesteader cemetery west of Pueblo Bonito
Pueblo Bonito monochrome
Pueblo Bonito from the southeast


6 responses to “Chaco!”

  1. tanyahanbury Avatar


    Was thoroughly impressed by the photos they are fantastic really makes me want to visit the place. Can I ask what camera you use also.



    1. joebecker Avatar

      Hi Tanya. I am currently using a Canon 50D with 10-24mm, 24-70mm, and 70-200mm Canon lenses.

  2. Christopher Cox Avatar

    Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this!

  3. […] Chaco! « joebeckerphoto […]

  4. fotograf göransson Avatar

    Stunning pictures! Love the picture of the churchyard, really amazing!

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