5 Years Ago – Pinnacles National Monument (no make that Park)

Pinnacle PoppiesFor various reasons I haven’t picked up my camera in about six weeks and it is driving me crazy. David duChemin recently wrote a blog post about tending the fire that really spoke to me and I promised myself I’d get out this weekend. But life got in the way. My son Brooks, and otherwise healthy 26-year old, had his lung partially collapse without an apparent reason on Thursday and is now in the hospital. He may get out tomorrow (we hope). With this, Tanya and I have been spending a lot of time driving back and forth to Seattle to visit Brooks in the hospital. So, no photography this weekend.

So instead, since it has also been a few weeks since I posted, I give you some shots from five years ago this month, when Tanya and I drove to San Diego to see daughter Janelle when she was going to university. Along the way we stopped for a couple of hours at Pinnacles National Monument, which in 2013 became a National Park. I don’t imagine much changed when it gained park status, except perhaps more visitors. When we were there in 2010, it was rather out-of-the-way and quiet. I hope it still is. I’d like to get back some day and spend more time exploring. When we were there in 2010, the wildflowers were blooming. Spring is such a wonderful time of year. Enjoy these shots from Pinnacles National Monument Park.

Pinnacle LupinePinnacle Poppies and Lupine


11 responses to “5 Years Ago – Pinnacles National Monument (no make that Park)”

  1. Lena Avatar

    I love the first photo!!

  2. Ellen Denkers Avatar

    Beautiful, love the first one from the low angle.

  3. thenerdycanuck Avatar

    Lovely, awesome shot and angle 🙂

  4. brighamstephen Avatar

    The first photo in particular is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  5. bookheathen Avatar

    Hope your son will be OK!

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you. He is doing well now, but is still in the hospital. As it turned out, he did not get out soon after I posted, but rather ended up having surgery last Tuesday. Now it appears he will be getting out on Saturday.

  6. Paula Avatar

    I like the PoV in the first shot and the mellow yellow. I hope that your son is well now.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thank you. Yes, he is doing much better now, though still a little sore, he’s back to work.

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