Happy Dog

My blog has just surpassed 1,000 followers; now at 1,006 and counting. Thank you!!!

When I started this blog in January 2011, i was unsure if anyone would care. And now, I’m honored and amazed by all of you following my posts. I hope my photography and rambling musings keep you coming back for more. To illustrate this post, I give you Carson, our Newfoundland. He’d plant a big slobbery lick on all of you if he could!





7 responses to “1,000 Followers!”

  1. The Blissful Adventurer Avatar

    very impressive! you are 500% ahead of me 🙂

  2. Julie Marquaire Avatar

    Congrats bro ! It’s a big job you achieved and your talent is a lot responsible of that ! Devam etsin ! Good luck.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      Thanks! However, there are a lot of talented photographers out there, so I think luck may have more to do with it.

  3. ndjmom Avatar

    Love the detail in his face and the slobber. 1000 followers wow! I started about the same time, but I concentrated so much on posting my 365 project I didn’t take the time to learn about the WordPress community. In just a month I’ve gotten gotten 60 followers, so maybe this time next year I’ll be saying the same thing.

    1. joebecker Avatar

      I think it’s fantastic you are doing a 365 project. I can barely find time to shoot (and post) once a week.

  4. Xandré Verkes Avatar

    Congrats Joe!!! What a great motivation to keep going!!! 😀 **

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